On the flight back I got rather annoyed with the passenger in the next seat whose arm and elbow kept crowding my already limited space. Aircraft seats are notoriously narrow and placed much too close together these days in order to squeeze in more passengers.
I dislike being in close contact albeit an arm on the armrest separating the seats. I waited to see if the person was sensitive enough to realise that his arm was continuously brushing against mine because his elbow had intruded into my space. I was getting uncomfortable by then as I couldn't concentrate on my reading.
Not wanting this situation to last throughout the duration of the flight, I told him not to crowd my space and pointed out that his arm should not cross the middle of the arm rest.
I think that shocked him and he quickly moved his arm and kept it on his lap.He promptly closed his eyes and went to sleep. As for me, I was able to relax in my little bit of space for the rest of the flight.
Some people feel that it isn't "nice" to tell people even if it means having to put up with your own discomfort. But hey, you are equally entitled to your comfort and you don't have to put up with any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. We need to speak up at times. We shouldn't have to feel that we must be "nice" all the time.