Hair comes in different textures, coarse or fine.Those who have coarse hair appear to have much more while those with baby fine hair appear to have less on their head. Hair also comes in different colours, whether natural or out of the bottle.
As we age, we tend to lose our hair although for the lucky ones, they retain what was given to them ever since they were born.

I'm not so lucky in this department. I've lost quite a lot of hair along the way, after childbirth, as I grow older, so much so that I dont like looking at my image sometimes. I've spent a lot of money trying to arrest the hair fall but unfortunately they don't appear to work.
However, there's a solution for people like me and I'm sure there are many folks out there who face the same problem, whether male or female.

Thanks to creative people, we can have different hair styles, short, long, straight or curly.

Yes, I'm talking about wigs! Just put one on and viola! We look different! Yes, the wigs these days are so natural that one cant tell the difference, unless of course you give the game away.

I've put on wigs on a couple of occasions and my! Some of my friends couldnt tell it was me! Speak of surprises! So don't be afraid to try out wigs, especially the black wigs that can be sassy or sultry, depending on the style you choose.