Welcome to Swinging By

These are the places of interest that I've been to and I would like to share them with you. I hope you find them interesting too.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Deepavali is next week, November 5th to be exact. It is the Indian Festival of Lights celebrated by Indians.

The Kolam is a distinctive feature in Indian homes, usually at the entrance. It is drawn in geometrical designs or in curved loops by the women in the family, using colorful rice powder.

The Kolam is to welcome the Goddess Lakshimi, Goddess of Prosperity into their homes and to ward away evil spirits.
There were two lovely kolams in the Mid Valley Shopping Mall.

Many schools also celebrate Deepavali by drawing kolams. This is another way of appreciating the different cultures in Malaysia as the schools have students from different ethnic backgrounds.

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