I never realised how important our liver is. It is not surprising to think that our heart is the most important organ in our body since its action of squeezing and pumping keeps us alive.

However, do you know that it is the liver that enables us to function properly?

It not only detoxifies the toxin filled junk that we consume but also stores energy by stockpiling sugar in the form of carbohydrates, glucose and fat which it releases when our body needs it. Without the liver the sugar level in our blood could fall so low that we will lapse into a coma. It also stores iron, vitamins and minerals that we need.
What does it detoxify? It detoxifies the poisonous chemicals which come in the alcohol we drink, in the beer, the wine

and also the drugs that we take, whether they are prescribed or over-the-counter ones.

Needless to say the most toxic will be the illegal ones such as cannabis, cocaine and heroin, just to name a few.

It also detoxifies what we breathe in from the polluted environment around us.
We are bombarded by exhaust fumes from motor vehicles and factories. Even the water we swim or bathe in is polluted by chemicals. Without the liver we will soon be poisoned by these pollutants.
What else does the liver do? It makes the blood that goes through our system, delivering nutrients to our various organs. It is also responsible for making our blood clot so that we do not bleed to death when we cut ourselves accidentally.
It defends us against the germs we inhale and manufactures new proteins that our body needs to stay healthy and to grow.
Now that we know how vital the liver is, we should take good care of it. One of the ways that we can reduce the burden of the liver is to drink less alcohol, consume less drugs ( include supplements as well )and drink more water. Prolonged abuse of the liver leads to scarring or hardening which in turn could develop into cancer.

While working in the garden when we use insecticides or pesticides, we should protect our skin from absorbing the fumes by covering up and wearing a face mask. This goes for the aerosols that we may use in our homes too.
Last but not least, a regular checkup at the doctor's is recommended.