Do you know that if we sleep on too firm or too soft a mattress, we are in for back pain? Reminds me of Goldilocks who found Papa Bear's bed too hard and Mama Bear's bed too soft but Baby Bear's bed was just right and she had such a good sleep that she didn't know the bears had returned and were looking at her! So a good mattress that supports our back will give us quality sleep.

Back pain can make our lives miserable as they can last

from a few days to a few months. We can't do what we usually do without feeling the pain.
It can be caused by sports injury,

gardening or simply standing too long at the kitchen sink.When

you are bending and then you get up suddenly, jolting your spine,this can cause lower back pain too.
As we age, our muscles lose their tone and elasticity and sudden movements can cause the vertebrae discs to slip or even rupture. This can lead to severe pain when the nerve ends are compressed and the only option is surgery.

So to avoid these problems, we have to be careful when lifting things.

We have to lift them in the proper way to avoid straining our back muscles. Good posture will also help and exercise such as walking and swimming will strengthen our muscles.