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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bugged by Stomach Aches?

Don’t ignore stomach aches. They could be a symptom that all is not right in your body.

Colon cancer patients recall experiencing stomach aches and those with pancreatic cancer share that they felt a dull ache pressing inwards. Liver cancer patients complain of stomach cramps and upset stomachs which are sometimes assumed wrongly to be stomach ulcers. People with leukemia have an enlarged spleen which causes abdominal ache on the lower left side.

An early sign of stomach cancer is pain in the upper or middle abdomen which feels like heartburn. This pain can be alleviated by antacids so that you may be misled into thinking that it was caused by too much acid in your stomach. You usually feel full after a small meal.

This feeling of fullness even though you ate very little is also a sign of liver cancer. It is accompanied by an ache in the lower right side of your abdomen.

So if you have frequent bouts of acid stomach, an unexplained abdominal ache, or a full feeling after meals even though you’re eating less than normal, it is advisable to see a doctor for a proper checkup. A recurring stomach ache that is not the result of a digestive problem should be investigated to eliminate fears that you could be suffering from any of the cancers that are linked to abdominal aches and pain.

I had bouts of nausea and a dull ache in my abdomen and this led me to the doctor's clinic where tests were done and it was discovered that I had a huge cyst in my pancreas. Unfortunately it wasn't a cyst but a tumour.

Further tests indicated that it was a benign tumour so I'm still here today but minus a number of internal organs which had to be removed to facilitate the removal of the tumour which was as large as a big guava.

So don't ignore any recurring stomach aches. They are your body's way of telling you that something is wrong.

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