Time whizzes by so fast that before you realise it, another week has gone past! You wonder where the time has gone and what you did during the past week. I can hardly remember, unless I check my diary.
Some days, there are notations while there are no entries on others. Does that mean that I have done nothing on those days?
Have you ever been in the same position?
Life is a cycle: birth, the various stages of development, growing, aging and death. The moment of birth begins the journey to the end - death. Have you ever pondered what happens to those who have died? Where do their spirits or essence go? Our bodies are the garments clothing our spirits and once we shed them, where do we go?
My golf buddy tells me that we all go to a place where we wait, to be judged by the Almighty and then we go to the place we deserve. To her it means either to our heavenly home or to the place where we suffer punishment for our sins. I wonder????? Do you???????
There must be millions of spirits out there but I guess the universe is big enough to house everyone since spirit has no form and therefore does not take up space. Or are we recycled??? The idea of "recycle" could explain where some people experience a "deja vu" when they are in a certain place. Perhaps they have been there before in another lifetime and "recognise" it.
Anyone has any ideas to share? You must be wondering why this topic comes up while we are on the fairways. We should be concentrating on our shots and our game. But the beauty of the early morning, the unbelievable canvas of colors that reveal what the day is going to be like, burning hot or otherwise, leads us to topics such as this. What hand can paint such beauty, create the cool of the newborn morning only to change it into a remorselessly humid and scorching day barely half an hour later. The awesome hulk of Mt Kinabalu in the distance, dwarfing the surrounding mountains is a sombre reminder of the power of the Almighty.
How much time do we have here, on earth? We will never know so it is up to us to make the best use of it, and not to squander it by doing nothing useful. Some have plans, 1 year plan, 3 year plan, 5 year plan etc, etc. Good for you. You know where you are going and how you are going to get there.
As for me, I want more people to be aware of the health issues that concern us. We need to be aware of what we consume and to consume food that will strengthen our immune system and give us good health. At the same time we need to watch our weight. We need to lose the excess weight so that it will not burden our hearts.
I was horrified to discover from one of the ladies in our exercise group that unscrupulous vendors are throwing in a couple of drinking straws into their frying pans so that the oil that has been used over and over again will remain clear and the banana fritters will always remain crisp even when they are cold. They do the same thing for onions as well. No wonder they are never seen to consume their own products! For they well know the poison they have included in their oil. So think before you put another deep fried banana fritter into your mouth or into your child's mouth.
Welcome to Swinging By
These are the places of interest that I've been to and I would like to share them with you. I hope you find them interesting too.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Not enough!

Quite a disappointing morning. No, not the rain, not the sun, not the heat! What's the lousiest thing that can happen to someone who likes a morning round of golf?
Yep, you guessed it! Our game almost didnt materialise. Why? Cos there was a gunshot start to this morning's competition. Of course we didnt know or we wouldnt have gone to the club so early this morning. The course steward told us gleefully that we couldnt play and my kaki ( remember what a kaki is?) bristled and said, "Why not? Where's the notice that says we cant play this morning?"
Came the reply," It's on the notice board over there." We rushed to check and of course, there it was half hidden among all the notices there. Come on! Whoever reads notices, especially when there are heaps of them on the board with many outdated and not removed.
So what next? Negotiate of course, since we were already there. Please la, we've come all the way. Just 2 lubang, ok? She was nice, she said, ok you can play hole 1, 8 & 9. One lubang extra!!! Happiness, well, almost....
So off we went, played our 3 holes... something better than nothing, right? But still, it didn't make our morning as we required our 9-hole dose so that the day can flow smoothly.
However, the sugar to coat our bitter pill was the pronouncement that we could play our 9-hole game tomorrow morning. BUT, no game on Fri, Sat and Sun. Oh dearie me!
We're going to have withdrawal symptoms! Tsk tsk tsk.....
So what to do? Have to go home, right? Aha, can do something after all. My plants could do with some TLC. So I selected three pots and re potted them. Hopefully, they will survive in the new topsoil and I'm sure, with the Herbalife breakfast that I share with some of my plants, they'sll do well. My favourite plant has to be the chili in the dragon urn cos it gets Herbalife breakfast every morning after my round of golf. Yes, it gives me beautiful chilis!!
What kind of breakfast do you have? Mine is a very healthy nutritious shake which I share with my chilis and a few favourite plants. Want to know more? Maybe you may want to try it. It wont make you fat, it wont make you go 'ugh' which a lot of other shakes do but it will give you a strong healthy body and a radiance that makes you look younger than your years.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Beautiful morning, beautiful life!
Quite a different morning from yesterday when the rain was streaming down the window panes.
It was very cool and dark at first and it suddenly brightened. Our golf balls were clearly visible in the morning light although half buried in the rough ( mine that is).
My friend and I usually have a nine-hole game every morning, before the crack of dawn but still, we couldnt escape the burning rays of the morning sun which is already very fierce at 6:30 a.m. But thank goodness we're always at hole 5 at that time.
Really? Many folks would ask, suspending belief that we're at hole 5 by 6:30 a.m. Yep, that's the truth. We dont get into trouble and the balls arent mischievous, hiding in the rough or in the drains or bunkers. ANd, we move pretty fast, as we want the exercise, pulling our trolleys up and down the undulating course. The doctor says that walking briskly builds bone density so that's the reason we do it daily. Except for Sat and Sundays, when marketing has to be done and we go to the Lord's House to give thanks.
Going on the super product that allows me to manage my weight very well gives me lots of energy and keeps me very fit too. Last Wednesday, my two 'kaki' were on a buggy while I was pulling my trolley! Want to know how to be fit and strong like me?
My friends, out on the wide net, if you want to be fit and healthy, just ask my kaki. They know my secret!
Kaki are friends who share the same interest, just in case you dont know. We have golf kaki, mahjong kaki ( I dont play mahjong ), makan kaki ( friends you eat out with n who always try out new makan( makan means to eat ) places ) and other types of kaki.
I guess that's all for the moment. Until the next time, cheers! Dont forget to keep swinging by.
J Kewch
Quite a different morning from yesterday when the rain was streaming down the window panes.
It was very cool and dark at first and it suddenly brightened. Our golf balls were clearly visible in the morning light although half buried in the rough ( mine that is).
My friend and I usually have a nine-hole game every morning, before the crack of dawn but still, we couldnt escape the burning rays of the morning sun which is already very fierce at 6:30 a.m. But thank goodness we're always at hole 5 at that time.
Really? Many folks would ask, suspending belief that we're at hole 5 by 6:30 a.m. Yep, that's the truth. We dont get into trouble and the balls arent mischievous, hiding in the rough or in the drains or bunkers. ANd, we move pretty fast, as we want the exercise, pulling our trolleys up and down the undulating course. The doctor says that walking briskly builds bone density so that's the reason we do it daily. Except for Sat and Sundays, when marketing has to be done and we go to the Lord's House to give thanks.
Going on the super product that allows me to manage my weight very well gives me lots of energy and keeps me very fit too. Last Wednesday, my two 'kaki' were on a buggy while I was pulling my trolley! Want to know how to be fit and strong like me?
My friends, out on the wide net, if you want to be fit and healthy, just ask my kaki. They know my secret!
Kaki are friends who share the same interest, just in case you dont know. We have golf kaki, mahjong kaki ( I dont play mahjong ), makan kaki ( friends you eat out with n who always try out new makan( makan means to eat ) places ) and other types of kaki.
I guess that's all for the moment. Until the next time, cheers! Dont forget to keep swinging by.
J Kewch
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Swinging By
It's a gloomy afternoon, with a gentle drizzle, my kind of afternoon, or day as it's cool and refreshing. Hot balmy days are terrible; they put you to sleep no matter where you are, on the road or elsewhere.
I remember the ditty of childhood days where the teacher asks children to chant:
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day.
Little (name) wants to play.
Thunder, oh so loud,
Go and hide behind a cloud.
Unfortunately, that's all I can remember! As the days swing by, the memory cells aren't as efficient. No matter, as a friend has been telling me, your cells are being generated with the product that you are taking. You'll be looking younger as the days go by.
Is there such a thing as regeneration? Is there really a fountain of youth that can be activated?
Good health is one thing, turning back the clock is something else altogether. I do wish it can be turned back 20 years. That's not asking too much is it?
If you are looking for good health, and with good health comes a radiance which is often associated with youth and vitality, I have lots to share with you. One word that has always been uttered whenever friends and former colleagues meet, is "Evergreen". I'm sure they used it with good intentions but one can't help thinking of the associations - green as in country bumpkin green, freshie green, green-eyed monster green, green pallor of the dreadfully frightened person, green of the freshness green?????? Anymore greens out there? And I don't mean vegetables, either!
It's a gloomy afternoon, with a gentle drizzle, my kind of afternoon, or day as it's cool and refreshing. Hot balmy days are terrible; they put you to sleep no matter where you are, on the road or elsewhere.
I remember the ditty of childhood days where the teacher asks children to chant:
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day.
Little (name) wants to play.
Thunder, oh so loud,
Go and hide behind a cloud.
Unfortunately, that's all I can remember! As the days swing by, the memory cells aren't as efficient. No matter, as a friend has been telling me, your cells are being generated with the product that you are taking. You'll be looking younger as the days go by.
Is there such a thing as regeneration? Is there really a fountain of youth that can be activated?
Good health is one thing, turning back the clock is something else altogether. I do wish it can be turned back 20 years. That's not asking too much is it?
If you are looking for good health, and with good health comes a radiance which is often associated with youth and vitality, I have lots to share with you. One word that has always been uttered whenever friends and former colleagues meet, is "Evergreen". I'm sure they used it with good intentions but one can't help thinking of the associations - green as in country bumpkin green, freshie green, green-eyed monster green, green pallor of the dreadfully frightened person, green of the freshness green?????? Anymore greens out there? And I don't mean vegetables, either!
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