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Sunday, July 25, 2010

What to Eat?

Oh dear! I forgot to let you know what the speaker said about the kind of food we should be eating. He talked about cavemen whose lifestyle was such that they didn't have dental caries nor heart disease. They had to hunt for their food, bring down animals or gather fruit and edible plants.
So indirectly he was recommending that we revert to that kind of lifestyle where we turn to Nature for our food. We eat what is natural, and not man-made. So he recommended that we be guided by these two questions: Can I eat it raw? Which came first?

Food that can be eaten raw will be good for us such as fish, eggs, nuts, vegetables and fruit.
As regards which came first, he gave examples of breakfast. Is it better to have a bowl of vitamin enriched cereals in milk or a couple of half-boiled eggs?

The answer is the latter as the eggs came first while the cereals are processed from grains and other stuff are added to them.
Eggs are a complete food and the most nutritious part is the yolk. It is healthy food and will not cause heart disease or increase your cholesterol level. Come to think of it, my grandfather lived to a ripe old age of almost 90 years and he ate two half-boiled eggs every day with strong black coffee ( kopi-o ) plus two packets of cigarettes which he enjoyed smoking.

Noodles, bread, rice, bacon, sausage: all these are out if we want to be healthy and avoid metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of diseases resulting from eating unhealthy food.

Sigh...... the unhealthy food are actually tastier than healthy food except nuts and fruit. That's why he said it's going to be very challenging to change our eating habits and life style since we have become so used to them. However, we can still try.... take one little step at a time. Take nuts instead of crisps or chips.

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