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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Obese Pets

In their natural habitat, we will not see animals that are overweight. They don’t get obese like us human beings. This is not because they don’t have enough to eat.

The reason is that they eat the food that is appropriate for their systems.

However, once the animals have been acquired by us as pets, we tend to feed them with the wrong food types thus leading to obese pets.

We give them processed pet food that contain additives and other things that they were not meant by nature to have with the result that we have obese pets with some of them even becoming diabetic! Yes animals do suffer from the same diseases as humans. Just as we develop life-threatening diseases with poor food choices, likewise we are also depriving our pets the opportunity of living a long and healthy life.

The food we buy for our pets is often influenced by marketing campaigns that promote them or we out of economic sense of waste not, want not, give our pets the leftovers or our meals. We also tend to overfeed them, out of love for them. We don’t want them to go hungry. However, do you know that dogs are usually fed once once a day? Some folks are known to feed their pets 3 times a day! How not to get obese? It is made worse when their owners have no time to exercise them! Our pets have no say in what they eat as it is we who determine what they eat and they have to bear the consequences of the decisions that we make. So let’s hope we make better decisions where our pets are concerned.

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