Welcome to Swinging By

These are the places of interest that I've been to and I would like to share them with you. I hope you find them interesting too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

At a Loss?

Do you know that when you are trying to write an article or even a short essay, the hardest thing is the beginning?

How to write? How to begin? This is the situation that a person faces even though he already knows what he wants to write about.

One way is just to write down anything that comes into your mind. It can be a word, a string of words, a sentence. It doesn’t matter. Do it for 5 minutes. After that, look at what you have jotted down. You may see certain words lend themselves to a group or a cluster.

Then you can begin to write your sentences, expanding on these words. These may be your first paragraph. Once you have begun, the rest will flow steadily.

After you have finished your piece, you can read it through and edit. You may want to rearrange your paragraphs, change a few words here and there. Voila! You have your article or essay.

Similarly if you are at a loss wondering what you are going to do the next day,
just jot down a couple of things that are outstanding which have to be attended to. Or if nothing is urgent, decide to take a morning walk or just look at the plants in your garden.
Believe you me, you will soon find yourself busy doing what you never thought of in the first place.
That’s how you can get things done.

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