As we age our bodies change and we find fat in places where we didn’t have any when we were younger.

Our metabolism slows down and the digestive system doesn't work as well as it used to.
Hormonal changes in the body can also affect the shape of our bodies but one thing that which doesn’t change is this. If we eat too much food and drink too much alcohol we will gain weight.
Some people say that being over weight or fat is part of growing old but this is not true. There are many elderly people who are still slim, fit and healthy.

It is actually our lifestyles that have resulted in the bodies we now have. Poor food choices throughout our life have made us fat and we have compromised our health because of poor nutrition.

However all is not lost. We can improve our nutrition and begin an exercise program to reduce our body fat. Cycling is one exercise anyone can do.

No matter how old we are we can benefit from improved nutrition and exercise.
This will enable us to enjoy a better quality of life.

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